Just pottering

Yep. That's what I've been doing for the last few days. Pottering from job to job, doing a little bit here and a little bit there and to be honest a little bit overwhelmed by just how much there is to do. So trying to do just a little bit at a time. Besides which it's been too hot to rush anywhere (typical Brit moaning about the weather - never happy!)

A couple of days ago I decided to take a few cuttings in the garden. I bought a lavender plant last year and would really like to have a few more around the garden (I have aspirations of being able to harvest enough lavender to make some nice smelly bags!). So I read up in my books - apparently it's as easy as taking a cutting from the new growth, sticking it in some soil, waiting for it to grow some roots and then pinching out the tip. Ummmmmmm we'll see!

I took four cuttings which I'm hoping will give me fairly good odds of at least one surviving?! In the bigger pot is a rudbeckia - it was part of a larger plant and I've divided it up, hopefully it will survive the split.

The weather has been A-MAZ-ING these last few days, although it does seem slightly schizophrenic given how miserable it was just four days ago! I do enjoy the clear skies but I've never been a big fan of the heat - spring and autumn have always been my favourite seasons when there's a freshness in the air and the opportunity to wear layers and knits! Still, it has been amazing to see such lovely skies and it's given me the opportunity to wear my Sorbetto top!

Today saw me pottering around the kitchen. Little Girl had a friend back for tea who had turned 6yrs yesterday so it seemed only right that I should make up some very pink cupcakes with glitter. Can't be too girly, right?!

I'm still working on my sewing in the background as well. The jelly roll quilt has now had one whole side of the binding hand basted (and it's a long side so I've officially done over 25%. Yay!)

And I'm also working on the tutorial that I mentioned in a recent post

I hope you're all enjoying the sunshine and having some lovely days

See you soon, 

S x

Todays sky ● Blue! There were a few whispy clouds but overall blue!

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